Sunday, July 19, 2009

player-generated content

I'm going to cut the fluff and propose a solution by which MMORPG content may be generated by players. If you read my last post, particularly the first 2/3 or so, you already have a basic idea.

Essentially, the system works like this:
First, quest creation is a skill. The skill's level is based on the secondary attributes of the player. These secondary attributes may be raised by putting experience points in them. The quest creation skill level will be based on a simple formula of these secondary attributes, such as (concentration+intelligence)/3 This will determine your base skill in the skill of quest creation. Quest creation itself cannot be increased by putting experience points into it, unless the player "trains" the skill. What this means is that the player allocates a limited number of skill points to unlock the skill, which then allows them to increase it beyond its base level by pouring experience into it in order to "raise" it.

This is how all skills will work. At character creation, the player is able to unlock various skills from the beginning, based on a set number of skill points allotted, such as 50. Each skill requires its own unique number of skill points based on its overall "power." As I said in my last entry, lock pick would cost far less to "train," or "unlock," than sword or war magic. Quest creation will be one of the most expensive.

Quest creation (called lore mage, lore master, artist of the devilish mysteries, whatever floats your boat) will work by employing its own window on the screen when the character wishes to create a quest. The window will work by allowing the player to choose from a number of primary options, which are: surface, global, and dungeon. Within each option, which can be thought of as a "tab," are a number of sub-options. Sub-options for the "surface" tab will include quests such as: defeat a certain mob, visit a specific NPC, or retrieve a specific item. Upon selecting the sub-option, the player must then physically select the NPC, mob, or item that must be obtained. This means they must be in its presence, which will require travel. The player must also have an item on their person for the selection “spell” to be successful, and will have a skill check based on the difficulty level of said MOB/item.

Global sub-options will include things such as: kill a specific player, kill a specific number of players, kill a specific number of players of a specific level or greater, craft a specific item, gather intelligence on a specific player's inventory or guild chest, and so forth. Intelligence gathering will employ a specific "snapshot" function, upon which a player with the skill necessary to view a players inventory, guild vault, etc., can create an authentic list by this function, and return it as part of a quest (if such a quest were made). This intelligence will then become public knowledge via various NPCs.

Dungeon sub-options will include a dungeon creation page, that will employ a top-down two dimensional view of a dungeon. The player is then able to map out a dungeon using various pre-built pieces that fit together. The player places stairwells, mobs, traps, grand rooms, and the like. The end of the dungeon features proof that the dungeon quest was completed, with a “boss” of sorts that drops the proof. These dungeons are not instanced, players will fight for them.

Each of these major categories requires a specific degree of skill in quest-creation before it is unlocked. Surface-based quests are the easiest and require the lowest skill, then global, and then dungeon. Within each major category, the various sub-options will also only become unlocked when the quest creator's skill is sufficiently high. Furthermore, as alluded earlier, the quest creator slowly gains a library of mobs and NPCs that they may utilize in their quests by actually physically visiting the NPCs, obtaining the items, ensnaring the mobs (a skill unique to those with the quest-creation skill), and visiting and completing various quests inside catacombs that gradually unlock new dungeon-making abilities. On top of this, the quest creator will be required to have on their person certain rare and valuable items in order to create the more powerful quests. If they cease to do so, the consequences will be dire which I will explain shortly.

The way the general quest formula will work, assuming all the prerequisites are met, will be something like this: Complete [quest component] and [quest component] or [component] then [component], etc. Each [quest component] is one of these defined goals, which, as stated, may be to travel to a specific NPC and obtain his seal, craft an item, obtain a mob-dropped item (a scalp, for example) or a number of them, kill a player of a certain level, complete a dungeon, etc. These components are then strung together, and may be done so in a specific order (then statements), any order (and statements), as options (or statements), or any combination. The total number of statements able to be strung together would be based on several factors, such as skill in quest creation, enhancement items worn by the creator, number of times quests have been completed by players, and so forth.

Quest creators may also demand one final kind of quest, which I call "resultant components." These are simply placing into the equation, that the player must also obtain [the results of player "x"s quest called _____]. This means that players may incorporate each other's lesser quests into their own.

Upon accepting and completing a quest, the player will then travel to the NPC that handles the quest. (Quest creators choose what NPC or NPCs handles their quest, they may choose multiple if the have the prereqs.) Upon creation of the quest, the game will determine the kind of reward that the quest will generate, which is based on the quest creator's preference: weapon, armor, gold, experience, potions, enchanted jewelry, totally random, etc. The most skilled quest generators will be able to specify weapon types, armor types, etc. The game will then choose what "tier" weapon, armor, etc will be generated by the quest's completion.

The item will be based on a specific formula. If a high level player must be killed during the quest, then the power of the weapon will be enhanced greatly, if a fire type creature must be killed, then the weapon will gain fire type damage, if a great deal of distant NPCs must be visited, the weapon will bestow speed on its wielder, etc. More difficult quests will result in better rewards. The same quests will not drop the same items over and over, they will generate randomly based on said formula (which I just simplified for the sake of discussion).

In addition, the top tiers of quest generation will allow quests to be built where the “boss” mob at the bottom is an actual replicate of powerful player in the world, with its same abilities and items. The creator must first have the player’s scalp, which means someone must kill them for it. The mob will require decent AI, but nothing out of this world. This further gives the community a feeling of being part of the world.

This next part is important: Players who generate quests decide who will be allowed to partake in them. A player, upon generating a quest, may specify specific players to be allowed to accept it, all players, all players except specific clans or players, specific clans, specific clans and their allies, or all clans currently at war with a specific clan or clans. Note that once the quest is generated, changes in politics will not change who is able to accept the quest unless the creator chooses to “recompile” the list. It is for this reason that quest creation will be a fiercely political practice. Clans will seek the best quest creators for themselves and their allies, in order to generate new wealth for themselves. In return, these quest generators will gain their protection, because it is very likely that their demise should become part of enemy quest-creator’s quests.

In addition, quest creators must log on for a specific amount of time/week for their quest to remain active. The total amount of time depends on the “tier” level quest is presently active. This fact, combined with the fact that the quest creator must maintain a series of items on their person for their quest to stay intact, will cause them to be widely sought after by warring clans. If they no longer have the requisite items, the quest will “recompile” anew, minus whatever components it no longer has. This may cause the dungeon to shut out, the awarded items to diminish greatly, and so forth.

If a quest creator cancels a quest, everyone who has already accepted it will have one week to complete it. No additional players may accept it. The quest creator may immediately begin forming a new quest, but may not cancel their next until the timer is up on the last. Thus, they may have a maximum of one in the world, and one in deletion.

The best items in the game will be produced by the most advanced quest creating players.

For reasons that I have not explained here, the game will encourage small clans of around 20 active players online at any given time, which will be done mainly via experience bonuses. Larger than that (commonly known as “zerg” clans) will be punished with heavy experience penalties. This encourages small guild-on-guild politics, which nourishes political intrigue. These clans may form alliances, however, but alliances may require upkeep (I haven't decided yet).

Lastly, the game will incorporate lore into these quests. Quest creators will have a series of mad-lib type choices in order to splice together lore. Lore will be based on player politics, not on made up developer content. Thus, the lore will generally revolve around attacking a player or clan’s reputation, or building it up. This lore will merely provide a sense of humor and comic relief in general, as the real lore will be in the actual guild politics themselves.

Ok, this whole concept of player-generated content is something I'm new to tackling. However, tt seems certain to me that the next truly revolutionary MMOG will incorporate some form of it. Simply by being full PvP, the amount of content generated by players in the form of politics will be enormous. This is something that I think most players and developers alike do not realize, as most have not played one. Giving them a way to further the political intrigue with their own quests, either in a system like this or some other, seems like it may very well be possible.

If you have feedback on this concept I'd love to hear it. Ideas are welcome.

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